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Tarantulas (Theraphosidae, Araneae)


There are over 900 species of tarantulas in tropical and subtropical environments worldwide. All tarantulas produce silk and some species use that silk for making burrows or “silk tents.” New world tarantulas have urticating hairs which they can shoot towards potential attackers. These hairs are irritating and can cause allergic reactions, rashes, and itching. All tarantulas are predators and most are nocturnal, using ambush strategies to capture prey.

Red Rump Tarantula

Brachypelma vagans

The red rump tarantula is native to Mexico and other areas of Central America. It lives in a burrow in the ground. This species is quite fast, but can be skittish and occasionally aggressive. The venom of this species has a low toxicity, and their bite is similar to a bee sting. Females can live up to 15 years.

Salmon Pink Tarantula

Lasiodora parahybana

The salmon pink tarantula is native to north-eastern Brazil. It lives on the ground in leaf-litter, crevices, logs, or burrows and feeds on large insects or small reptiles and amphibians. The third largest species of tarantula in the world, females can grow up to 11 inches. The salmon pink can have a painful bite due to their large fangs, but they are much more likely to flick their urticating hairs which can cause allergic reactions. Females can live up to 15 years.

Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula

Grammostola rosea

The chilean rose hair tarantula is native to Northern Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. Their native habitat is desert and scrubland, so they don't require as much humidity as other tarantulas. This species lives on the ground, sometimes making burrows, although not usually in captivity. This species tends to be quite docile, but can be skittish, especially after a moult. Females can live 15-20 years in captivity.

Trinidad Chevron Tarantula

Psalmopoeus cambridgei

The trinidad chevron is native to Trinidad and Tobago. It gets its name from the chevron pattern on the abdomen of the female, which can live much longer than males. This species is arboreal, making its webs in trees and other plants. Trinidad chevrons are generally considered to be fast, active, and aggressive. They do not have urticating hairs, instead using an intimidation display to ward off potential predators.

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